Hello World!

I’ve got a new website up and running for my personal projects like games, music, videos and other stuff. I originally started making this site to be able to write documentation for “Salvie’s Engine,” the game engine I am writing in Game Maker. But it’s grown into something of a hobby portfolio. Even getting the site up has been a fun little venture that I’ve actually learned quite a lot from.

I don’t know if I’ll really be doing much on here yet, or if there’s going to be much of a purpose for putting it up. But I do know that I wanted to have a place where I can send people if they want to see what I’ve been up to regarding music, art, game design, etc. Trying to keep up with a million different platforms is exhausting: SoundCloud for music, Game Jolt for games, various GitHubs and Minecraft forums for my modpack, YouTube for video content — not to mention stints on TikTok, Twitch and elsewhere.

WELL NO MORE OF THAT NOW! Well, except probably Game Jolt. I like the community over there and I’d like to offer more programming help to up and comers. Maybe at some point I’ll do a video series on common Game Maker problems and solutions for new Game Devs. Who knows?

For now I’m just going to finish up writing the rest of the site as quickly as I can. Maybe taking a break here and there to watch some Law & Order or write some more of “Salvie’s Engine.”